Important Pre-Season Activities for Lake Operators in 2024

With us now in the middle of March, many Lake Operators will have already been working tirelessly to prepare for the impending summer season.

Before the water activities season fully starts in the UK, I would advise Lake Operators undertake some key activities to ensure smooth operations, safety for their customers & employees, and increased business development in 2024:

Planning Permission and Licensing

Ensure that all necessary planning permission and licenses are up-to-date and obtained for operating all the aspects of the business. As Jeremy Clarkson has proven, clashing heads with a council can end badly in terms of being able to deliver the activities you wish to offer.

Insurance Coverage

Review insurance policies to make sure they provide adequate coverage for liability, property damage, and other potential risks associated with water activities. Pay particular attention to any exclusions to ensure all previous activities are still covered. Additionally, the Public Liability insurance will be more or less expensive based on the cover limit but, be aware that some UK schools and associations will not attend venues with lower than £5M cover.

Site Review & Repairs

During the winter months, not only can the weather affect your site, but vandalism and wildlife can also cause issues. It is easy to see any issues at the entrance, car park and main buildings, but the whole site including all boundaries should be checked. The checks should include natural hazards such as damaged trees with precariously hanging branches, along with vandalism or damage caused by wildlife to boundary fencing and signage.

Checking & Deploying Equipment

Inspect all activity equipment, such as aqua parks, boats, kayaks, paddleboards, and other water sports equipment. Additionally, all safety devices, such as buoyancy aids, lifejackets, helmets, and any other safety equipment used in water activities needs to be checked. Ensure all equipment is in good working condition and meets safety standards. Quarantine, then repair or replace any damaged or worn-out equipment.

Review Safety Procedures

Conduct a thorough review of safety protocols and emergency procedures, considering any trends identified from analysis of accident and near miss reports. Make sure all staff members are familiar with the risk assessments, normal/standard operating procedures and emergency action plans, so they know how to respond in case of an emergency. Comprehensive safety signage should also be in place at all key areas, not only for the public, but also for staff.

Emergency Equipment and First Aid Supplies

All first aid and emergency equipment, such as (but not limited to) spinal boards, AEDs, lifeguard rescue buoys, 2-Way Radios, whistles and medic bags should not only be checked for quantity, but also that they are in good working order. Medical supplies mostly have expiration dates, so check all of these supplies to make sure staff were following correct stock rotation procedures and you do not hold any out of date supplies.

Training and Certification

Make sure all relevant staff members, including instructors, operators, and guides, are properly trained and certified in water safety, first aid, and any specific activities they’ll be leading. On top of any lifeguarding, coaching and other qualifications gained or refreshed, it is also important to role play and perform emergency action plan drills.


Some roles will remain the same, but sometimes a structural change is required for numerous reasons, such as investments in marketing or health and safety. After reviewing and developing the organisation chart and job descriptions, considering any changes in minimum wage and other factors, it is time to start filling the roles. It is also important to recruit staff to cover for illness, holidays, and any other identified causes for fluctuations in staffing requirements. Finally, if a Lake Operator intends to offer any child employment (outside of work experience organised by the school), it is important to understand the child employment permit rules and procedure.

Uniform & PPE

Each year businesses see loses in uniform for numerous reasons, including damage and non-return. Therefore, it is imperative to check and order more than a minimum of uniform and PPE based on the existing staff, the recruitment, and activities being undertaken. Additionally, for employees expected to work outdoors it is important to minimise the risk of them being exposed to harmful UVA & UVB rays with UPF50+ uniforms.

For more info on our bespoke UPF50+ Uniforms, click:

Staff Inductions & Briefings

Holding pre-season induction sessions of new and/or returning staff engaging them (back) into the business whilst updating on organisational structures, safety protocols, customer service standards, staff benefits, and any new initiatives. It is important that these inductions and briefings are professional, structured, engaging and foster a great team environment through accelerated integration.

Weather Monitoring

Keep an eye on weather forecasts regularly. Strong winds, storms, or other adverse weather conditions can affect the installation of water based equipment, as well as water activities and may require cancelling or rescheduling.

Booking System Configuration

Whilst I would normally advise to have your core activities bookable online by the November ahead of the next summer season (feel free to ask me why), there may be additional booking system configurations required. Whether it is a new product or package developed, or a migration of booking systems during the off season, Lake Operators must ensure they have their full activity offering bookable online as soon as possible.

Stocktaking & Replenishment

Although Lake Operators may undertake regular stocktakes of bar, restaurant and standard shop items, seasonally high demand items may have fallen out of mind. Key items such as activity wristbands, and addon items such as grip socks, padlocks, and party bags can have long lead times, so Lake Operators do not want to be caught off guard days or even hours before stock is depleted.

Customer Communication

Update your website and other communication channels with information about the upcoming season, including opening dates, available activities, safety guidelines, and booking procedures.

Marketing and Promotion

Launch marketing campaigns to attract customers and promote special offers, packages, or events for the upcoming season. Utilise social media, email newsletters, and other channels to reach potential customers. School booking enquiries should already be coming in, so make sure you do not leave your inboxes unattended.

Cleaning and Sanitisation

Recommissioning kitchens, changing rooms, toilets and other facilities that have not been used since the last season. Yes, unfortunately, no mater how well you thought the facilities were deep cleaned at the end of last season, they will still need some tender loving care before the season gets into full swing, including checking all equipment still works.

Don’t Panic!

Even for seasoned Lake Operators, all of this activity can seem overwhelming, especially if there have been changes in the management team during the off season.

If your business needs any assistance in any of these areas, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Contact Lake Ops Consulting

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