New FREE Networking Platform powered by Lake OPS Consulting

Lake OPS Consulting launches a FREE networking platform to connect the organisations, professionals, and volunteers working in water based sports and activities around the world.

Key features:

  • Member Timelines for industry related news and posts
  • Groups which can be restricted or public with document hosting
  • Group and Individual ‘To Do’ lists with reminders and deadlines
  • Group and Individual Messaging
  • Recruitment tools with FREE Job listings
  • FREE Classified Adverts
  • Open & Closed Forums
  • FREE Location and sector-based Member searches

Lake Linked is a new networking platform for anyone working or volunteering in operating organised water-based activities and sports. Beyond simply connecting organisations and their people, Lake Linked was designed from the ground up, to provide a platform for peer-to-peer learnings, discussions, and working groups.

There are many great and knowledgeable people scattered across all of the water sports and activities sector, who have no sight of others in aquatic space working on issues common to multiple disciplines. Covid-19 was a prime example of this, where we had multiple Governing Bodies working on covid safe frameworks for their territory, but with no cross support from other communities.

OK, we are not expecting another pandemic shutdown, however, we have other common problems such as flooding… Flooding is not going away, yet sadly we have not had a way to co-ordinate responses to these issues as a cohesive group of water based sports and activity providers.

Other challenges are also common across multiple disciplines, with recruiting and retaining competent staff in seasonal organisations being tough. So rather than loosing them to other industries, between us we can keep them in our sector by enabling them to work between organisations around the world, because as one country’s season is closing, another season is starting in another country.

Lake Linked has been built by a professional from the water sports industry, with the features that will support the organisations and people who operate in this space. Not only this, but it will remain a FREE to use platform forever, supported by Lake OPS Consulting.

As members join, we will be looking to appoint Moderators and Admins on a points basis, which will be scored on how active members are in the community.

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